365Telugu.com Online News,Hyderabad, December 10, 2022: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects 10 percent of the world’s population. It is more common in people with hypertension and diabetes, according to research, the risk is higher in people with hypertension and diabetes from 30 percent to 10 percent respectively.
Eye-kidneys share many structural, developmental, and organizational similarities, and several studies have revealed that eye tissue may mirror kidney disease.

It was found to be associated with a 10 percent risk of kidney failure in those with eye problems over an 11-year follow-up. In the UK, 35 thousand people were studied to find out about this.
In this study, retinal age gap (retinal-predicted age minus chronological age), a clinically validated, artificial intelligence-based aging biomarker based on retinal imaging, was associated with future risk of kidney failure in UK residents. This non-invasive, aging biomarker could help identify people at risk of kidney failure, the researchers said.