365Telugu.Com Online News, December 14, Hyderabad:The two singles along with the teaser of Superstar Mahesh Babu’s upcoming movie Sarileru Neekevvaru garnered huge buzz and kept huge expectations on the film. The third single from the film ‘He’s Soo Cute’ will be released on Monday. A special tiktok video featuring the leading lady Rashmika along with the audio glimpse of the song has been released exclusively on Tiktok. Rashmika stunned everyone with her flawless and outstanding dance moves in the short video.
‘He’s Soo Cute’ is a teasing song shot on Mahesh Babu and Rashmika. Devi Sri Prasad composed a melodious beat for this romantic number which was shot recently across different beautiful locations. The full song will be released on December 16th at 5.04 PM. The shoot of Sarileru Neekevvaru is in final stages. Anil Ravipudi is the director and the film is slated for January 11th 2020. Veteran actress Vijayashanthi is making her comeback after 13 long years.