365telugu.com,online news,Hyderabad/Vijayawada, July 01, 2020: The Govt of Andhra Pradesh under the leadership of its Chief Minister, Mr. Jagan Reddy today pressed into service a fleet of 1068 Traveller vehicles consisting of 410 Ambulances and 656 Mobile Medical Units to improve the state’s response in the ongoing fight against Covid-19 Pandemic. Mr Jagan Reddy flagged off these vehicles at a function held in Vijaywada in the presence of large number of state dignitaries and the public amidst much fanfare.280 of these are Basic Life Support Ambulances which are primarily meant to move and treat patients requiring basic monitoring, while balance 130 are Advanced Life Support Ambulances complete with Defibrillator, Transport Ventilator, Spine Board, etc., that can provide emergency treatment to critical patients while on the move to the nearest hospital. Both the BLS and ALS Emergency Response Services can be accessed by citizens by dialling 108.The Mobile Medical Unit on the other hand will provide consultation, treatment to the citizens at remote locations. All these Ambulances and Mobile Medical Units shall vastly improve the reach, reduce response time and save valuable lives. The Mobile Medical units are equipped with COVID screening facilities and can be accessed by the citizens by dialling 104.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Prasan Firodia, Managing Director, Force Motors said, “The ongoing pandemic has suddenly highlighted the inadequacies in our healthcare system. It is very heartening to see that the Govt of A P responded quickly and decided to press into service 1000 Ambulances at one go. I am sure that other state govts will follow suit soon. We are very happy that the Govt. of AP reposed their trust in the proven and reliable range of Force Traveller Ambulances”.As a responsible corporate, Dr Abhay Firodia Group has also been actively participating against the fight against this pandemic. It has earmarked Rs 25 Crores to support various COVID-19 relief activities by supporting upgradation of health care infrastructure and facilitating mobile clinic/testing capabilities that have treated over 10 lakh patients during the lockdown period.