365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, 15th November, 2024: In celebration of Children’s Day, Godrej Jersey conducted a survey among Indian parents to understand their reasons for giving milk to their children. While some parents mentioned milk’s benefits for fitness, weight management, and energy as well as its role as a meal substitute, 66% of Hyderabad-based parents and 60% of parents nationwide said that maintaining calcium intake was their primary reason for including milk in their children’s diet.
This study, titled ‘Bottoms Up…India Says Cheers to Milk!’, gathered responses from parents across cities including Delhi, Lucknow, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, and Kolkata. It provides insights into evolving consumer choices and milk-related preferences for children. The survey also explored which milk-based products parents prefer for their children.

Bhupendra Suri, CEO of Godrej Jersey, commented on the findings: “Numerous studies in India and globally highlight the nutritional value of milk, particularly for children’s growth. Rich in high-quality protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A, milk is essential for growing kids. It’s reassuring to see so many parents prioritizing milk for their children’s nutrition.”
The report also revealed that 90% of Indian children drink milk more than four to five times a week. Additionally, over 40% of parents are open to considering flavored milk as part of school meals, or as a convenient drink during playtime or other activities.
The survey was conducted by YouGov, with Godrej Jersey products marketed by Creamline Dairy Products Limited, a subsidiary of Godrej Agrovet Limited (GAVL), the food and agri-business division of the Godrej Group.