365Telugu.com online news,Tirumala, 17 December 2024: The 75th Tirunakshatram (Birthday) of HH Sri Periya Kovil Kelviyappan Satagopa Ramanuja Pedda Jeeyar Swamy of Tirumala was celebrated with traditional temple honours on the auspicious day of Punarvasu Nakshatram.
On this occasion, the senior pontiff, accompanied by his deputy HH Ilaya Kovil Kelviyappan Sri Govinda Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyangar Swamiji and other disciples, entered the Mahadwaram (main entrance) of the temple.

As part of the Pedda Maryada, Isthikapal honours were offered at Ragimanu, and the Swamiji proceeded to the Maha Dwaram, accompanied by his disciples.
The TTD Chairman, Sri BR Naidu, along with TTD Executive Officer Sri J. Syamala Rao, Additional EO Sri Ch. Venkaiah Chowdary, and CVSO Sri Sreedhar, warmly welcomed the Tirumala Pontiff at the main entrance of the hill shrine.
Inside the sanctum sanctorum, the senior pontiff received darshan along with traditional honours. Later, the Chairman, EO, Additional EO, and CVSO accompanied the Pedda Jeeyar Swamy to the Pedda Jeeyangar Mutt, located adjacent to the Sri Bedi Anjaneya Swamy temple.
The Pedda Jeeyar Swamy then offered his blessings to the dignitaries present. TTD Trust Board member Sri Bhanuprakash Reddy, DyEO Sri Lokanatham, Peishkar Sri Ramakrishna, and several others were also present for the occasion.