365telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,28th September 2021: Funskool India Ltd., India’s leading toy manufacturer, launches 15 new products ahead of the festive season. Conceived and designed by their inhouse toy developers, the launches include games, puzzles, role-play toys and DIY kits.The new range from the acclaimed Funskool brands like Giggles, Fundough, Handycrafts and Play n Learn, will help the parents to keep their kids continuously engaged as they learn at the same time. They will also promote creative independence, ensure the development of cognitive, physical, social, and emotional skills in children through these innovative products.
The festive collection from the toy maker promises a plethora of options under various categories. Games and puzzles like the Chu Chu Parade Game, Chu Chu Train Puzzle, Spell & Learn and My First 100 numbers under educational toys are designed to ensure a solid learning foundation for pre-schoolers through practical applications. Fundough Space Jam, Fundough Farm Set, Fundough Candy Rush and Diva Jr. Kit are the are the best role-play toy options available for kids. Also, children are introduced to the traditional art of mirror work and ancient knotting techniques through the Mirror and Lippan Art and the DIY Macarme kit, creating an early awareness of indigenous art forms in them.
Go ahead and pick up a Funskool toy from, game, or puzzle from the nearest store to give your child a wholesome experience of entertained and gaming!