365Telugu.com Online News, Hyderabad, October 10th, 2022: Tamil superstar Nayanthara and Tamil director Vignesh Sivan have welcomed twin boys. Vignesh Sivan took to Twitter to share the news, “Nayan & I became Mom & Appa. We are blessed with twin boys. All our prayers, blessings of our ancestors combined with all good blessings, we have two baby boys.
Nayan & Me have become Amma & Appa❤️
— Vignesh Shivan (@VigneshShivN) October 9, 2022
We are blessed with
twin baby Boys❤️❤️
All Our prayers,our ancestors’ blessings combined wit all the good manifestations made, have come 2gethr in the form Of 2 blessed babies for us❤️😇
Need all ur blessings for our
Uyir😇❤️& Ulagam😇❤️ pic.twitter.com/G3NWvVTwo9
Blessings to our uir & ulagam (sic),” Vignesh Sivan tweeted.
Nayantara, who recently acted in the movie Godfather, is all set to make her Hindi film debut with Shahrukh Khan starrer Atlee Jawan. Vignesh, who is known for films like Tana Sernda Koottam, Naanum Rowdy Dhaan, Kathuvakula Niwa Kaadal, is all set to direct his next film with Ajith Kumar.