
365Telugu.com Online news,Hyderabad,Fibruary 6th,2023: An amount of Rs.1,471 crore is proposed for the Forest Department and Haritha Haram. Our Hon’ble Chief Minister, who firmly considers that it is the responsibility of every human being to protect the environment, has introduced ‘Telanganaku Haritha Haram’ on a large scale.

It is no exaggeration to say that such a programme for planting trees and protecting them has not been taken up by any other government.

The people of Telangana stood in full support of Hon’ble
Chief Minister in his commitment. People are participating in
Haritha Haram in the spirit of a movement.


In the new Municipal and Panchayat Acts, it is mandated that Municipalities and Panchayats should allocate 10 per cent of their Annual Budget to Green Budget and develop greenery. With the involvement of local bodies, there is abundant greenery in every village of the State.

As per India Forest Report, 2021 prepared by the Forest
Survey of India, green cover in Telangana has increased by 7.70 percent. This is equivalent to 5.13 lakh acres.

Haritha Haram has received recognition at the international
level. The Food and Agriculture Organization, a constituent of
United Nations Organization has described Hyderabad as ‘Tree
City of the World’ twice. Hyderabad is the only city in the entire
country to receive this recognition.

The Sustainable Development Report brought out by NITI
Aayog has placed Telangana in the first place on the basis of
improvement in the greenery. The International Association of
Horticultural Producers in South Korea has conferred ‘World
Green City Award-2022’ to Hyderabad.


With a view to involving every citizen in the environmental
protection, the Hon’ble Chief Minister has introduced ‘Haritha
Nidhi’ in a novel manner. Donations are received from public
representatives, government employees, government departments,
students and others for Haritha Nidhi.

The Government of Telangana by taking up afforestation has
rejunevated 13 lakh acres of forest land by incurring an expenditure
of Rs.1,500 crore. Fences have been erected with a length of 11,000
KMs for the protection of forests.

As a result of the efforts taken by the State government to
protect forests, there has been a significant increase in the number
of wild animals. The number of Tigers has increased to 26 and the
number of leopards to 341. Many species of birds on the verge of
extinction have regained their habitats.

I convey my heartfelt thanks to the representatives of local
bodies, employees of the Forest Department for their devoted work
as ‘Haritha Sainiks’ to bring about Haritha Telangana under the
able guidance of our Hon’ble Chief Minister.