365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, 2nd, August, 2023: Digital photographer Bhavik Monani of Bhavik Photography won the best International Iconic Photographer of the year 2023 Award in International Iconic Awards held in Mumbai recently, honored by Rupali Ganguly (Actress Anupamaa).
The event is attended by eminent Actors, Singers, Visual Artists, Digital Artists, Sculptors, Curators, Modern Art Painters, Musicians, Disc Jockeys (DJs), Radio Jockeys (RJs), Karaoke Jockeys (KJs) and many more. Mr. Bhavik won numerous awards in the past and has a sizable collection of photographs collections is his social media timeline.

Speaking on this occasion, Mr Bhavik Monani expressed his joy in winning the award above all his fellow photographers and said that this award is special to him and which will give a boost in his career to do more in the field.
One can see his collection of wedding, fashion, still-life photography and many other styles on his social media sites: https://www.facebook.com/bhavikphotography