365TELUGU.COM ONLINE NEWS,hYDERABAD,aUGUST 25TH,2022:CJI NV Ramana: Land was allotted 12 years back and they have no roof. I am not in favour of IAS, IPS etc. But why make a small journalist suffer

CJI: Without going into the main issue which will require submissions by AG. We are on the IA by a Journalist welfare society where 8000 journalists are there who earn Rs 8000 to 50,000 per month. Land was allotted but no development took place.
CJI: taking into the consideration that the occupants have deposited 1.33. Crores towards the cost of land we allow journalists to take occupation and construct. For IAS, IPS, and MPs, we are not inclined and let it be listed before another bench.