365telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,July 8th, 2021: In an impressive result, Siddharth Mallela from Aakash Institute’s branch in Kukatpally in Hyderabad has topped the prestigious Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Biology (IOQB) Exam. He has secured Telangana state Rank 1 in IOQB which is the second stage exam of the Indian National Level Science Olympiad. The examination is organized by the Association of Teachers in Biological Sciences in association with Indian Association of Physics Teachers and Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE). Each year over 30,000 students of 12th Standard or below, sit for this examination. IOQB is intended for students of 12th standard, though 11th standard students are also allowed to give the examination. There is a designated statewise quota according to which the students are selected for the next stage. Further all students scoring greater than 80% of the average of the top ten scores at national level (called as Merit Index Score) get automatically selected irrespective of the statewise quota.

Congratulating Siddharth on the impressive result, Mr Aakash Chaudhry, Managing Director, Aakash Educational Services Limited (AESL) said: “We are very proud of our student who has achieved an exemplary result even in this tough situation. We would like to congratulate him on clearing IOQB exam 2021. This is a huge step towards achieving his NEET/JEE dreams. We would also like to thank the parents for extending support. The credit goes to the hard work put in by our students and faculties as well as the quality test preparation imparted at the institute. I wish them all the best for the next round.”
On the basis of performance in IOQB, the top students in the merit list are selected for Stage III Orientation Camp (OC) in biology. The selected team undergoes a rigorous training programme at HBCSE in theory and experiments. Special laboratories have been developed at HBCSE for the purpose of experimental training. Resource persons from HBCSE and different institutions across the country train the students.The Olympiad programme culminates with the participation of the Indian students (4-6 in each subject) in the International Olympiads.

Aakash Institute aims to help students in their quest to achieve academic success. It has a centralized in-house process for curriculum and content development and faculty training and monitoring, led by its National Academic Team. Over the years, students from Aakash have proven selection track record in various Medical & Engineering Entrance Exams, Competitive and Olympiads.