365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, January 11, 2025: As part of the 28th Annual Hemanth Utsav, Abhyasa International Residential School hosted the Mega Theater Play (Nataka) Samvidhan@75 on Friday at the Shilpa Kala Vedika.

In his inaugural speech, CEO and Founder Director Mr. Vinayak Kallett expressed concern that post-COVID, residential school education is gradually diminishing. He emphasized the importance of saving time, gaining quality education, and how residential schools provide a safer environment for students, especially with the increasing rates of childhood cybercrimes.

In his speech, Member of Parliament Mr. Etela Rajender stated that “marks are not the key; it is the impact students leave on society that matters.” He emphasized the importance of instilling human values, respect for relationships, and cultural traditions in students, rather than making them mere machines for scoring marks.

Guest speaker Karuna Gopal mentioned how India, once not visible, is now progressing everywhere, and emphasized how we can further elevate the country’s greatness.

The event also recognized students who showcased exceptional talent, awarding them prizes and certificates for academic excellence.

The 90-minute opera (play) involved 400 students from the school. It was rare to have so many students participate on a single stage, a feat worth appreciating.

The opera, which traced the history of India from 5000 BCE, celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Indian Constitution, ahead of India’s Republic Day on January 26, 2025. The opera emphasized the call to Indian youth to take pride in building their own identity and work toward transforming India into a developed nation by 2047.