365telugu.com online news,22nd January, 2022: Samantha is showcased some classy festive looks in Sankranti in a Red and White Set. Her brand Saaki has recently launched new styles and silhouettes during Festive Season & New Year. The brand has curated styles ranging from statement evening and festive wear pieces to modern fusion wear inspired by traditional crafts of India. From ikkat dresses, south cotton weaves, eclectic floral prints to timeless polka dots making a come-back,Saaki has it all. Here’s something extra special-Saaki is making a special statement with Sarees.

They have now come up with cotton and silk-based artistic sarees with very chic prints and weaves. In a conversation with Co-Founder Samantha about what’s next for the brand, she says -“We’ve made clothes for women across all age groups, which has been a hit! All the moms in this age group asked us for clothes for their daughters too! So, we started working on something special for our youngest customers. We are very excited about launching Saaki Girl, for all the young Saaki fans out there.” Speaking to the Co-founder and CEO of Saaki, Sushruthi Krishna about the new launches, she adds “Our customer base is between 18 years to 40 years.

A lot of them are moms who have loved wearing Saaki and asked us to launch kids wear line too! So, we decided to launch Saaki Girl a premium and modern Indian Wear line for girls between 2 years and 8 years of age. Our USP is that it is rooted in Indian Designs but has a very modern take.”
Saaki has grown to great heights in just 1 year from the launch, and is all set to grow tremendously this year! They offer modern, eclectic Womens Wear Clothing. So don’t miss out on the best Kurtas, Kurta Sets, Dresses, Saree and so much more. Shop now on https://saaki.co/