365Telugu.com online news,Tirumala, 27 December ,2024: The Adhyayanotsavams, the longest among the 450 annual festivals observed in Tirumala, are set to take place from December 30, 2024, to January 23, 2025.
This sacred festival, also known as Divya Prabandha Pasura Parayanam, is celebrated during the auspicious Dhanurmasa and begins 11 days prior to Vaikuntha Ekadasi.
The festival is divided into two phases: the first 11 days, known as Pagalpattu, and the subsequent 10 days, referred to as Rapattu. The concluding days are marked by special observances:

- 22nd Day: Kanninun Shiruthambu
- 23rd Day: Ramanuja Nutrandadi
- 24th Day: Sri Varaha Swami Sattumora
- 25th Day: Completion of Adhyayanotsavams
During this 25-day festival, the revered Sri Vaishnava Jeeyar Swamijis recite the 4000 Pasurams from the Divya Prabandha, composed by the 12 Alwars. These recitations take place in the Ranganayakula Mandapam of the Srivari Temple, adding a divine ambiance to this sacred celebration.