365telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,march 16th,2021:Today the paper was similar to JEE Main Feb 2021 Attempts. It was of easy to moderate level with some good questions interspersed here and there. Most of the questions were either directly taken from NCERT or were closely based on NCERT concepts.
Subject wise summary of JEE Main paper
Chemistry (Easy and NCERT Based) :- Section I comprised 20 multiple choice questions, whereas section II contained 10 numerical based questions with an internal choice of any 5 questions to be attempted. Some students reported that a couple of questions involved lengthy calculations, but these questions could be avoided by exercising internal choice.The paper was easy to moderate; almost all the topics were covered. The chapters of classes XI and XII were given almost equal weightage and, by and large, based on NCERT content. Organic Chemistry was sufficiently asked, followed by Physical and Inorganic branches.This time AR Type of questions were around 5-6 in chemistry that is a little different from usual.

Physics (Easy to Moderate):- In a paper of 30 questions, there were two sections, Section I contained 20 single option correct type MCQs, whereas Section II contained 10 numerical based questions, out of which only 5 were to be answered. Questions were asked from Mechanics, Electrostatics, Magnetism, Current Electricity, Heat and Thermodynamics and optics. Some of the questions involved lengthy calculations, but overall, it was an easy to moderate level paper.
Mathematics (Moderate to Difficult):- As in the other subjects, this part also contained two sections, Sections I contained 20 MCQ with single option correct type. It contained questions on Algebra, Calculus, coordinate Geometry, Vector and Three Dimensional Geometry. Section II was comprised of 10 numerical based questions with only 5 of them to be answered. As usual, a few questions involved lengthy calculations. Some students reported that a few questions were somewhat tricky.We feel that covering the NCERT syllabus and its examples will keep students in good position, particularly in Physics and Chemistry. Chapters like System of Particles and Rotational Motion, Current Electricity, Electrical Potential and Capacitance, Ray Optics are significant in Physics.Similarly, in Chemistry, Chapters like Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Bio-molecules, Polymers, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Equilibrium and Coordination compounds carry weightage.

In Mathematics, Chapters like the application of Derivatives, Definite Integrals, Matrices and Determinants, Sequences and Series, Probability and Complex Numbers are must-read chapters besides developing understanding and building exam temperament.