365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,February 6th,2025: Renowned test preparation institution, Allen Career Institute, organized the Toppers’ Talk event at JNTU Auditorium in Hyderabad, where the JEE Advanced 2024 toppers from ALLEN shared their success strategies with students and parents.
The JEE Advanced 2024 toppers included Ved Lahoti (AIR-1), Rhythm Kedia (AIR-4), Rajdeep Mishra (AIR-6), Sagar Venkatesh (AIR-30), Videep (AIR-36), and Anshul Goyal (AIR-37). These students provided valuable insights into their preparation journey, their strategies, and the thought processes that led to their success.
The event was graced by Pankaj Birla Sir, Senior Vice President of ALLEN Career Institute, and Mahesh Yadav Sir, Vice President and Zonal Head of ALLEN Career Institute, who also shared their perspectives on the importance of mentorship and guidance in a student’s journey.

The ALLEN toppers elaborated on their preparation tactics, time management skills, subject prioritization, self-discipline, strengths and weaknesses, and stress management strategies.
They also shared practical tips on how they maintained their motivation and focus during their preparation period. The importance of parental support and mentorship from ALLEN’s expert faculty was highlighted as a key factor in their success.
Pankaj Birla Sir praised Hyderabad as one of the top cities in India, known for its brightest minds and excellent performance in medical and engineering entrance exams. He expressed his belief that ALLEN Hyderabad will play a pivotal role in boosting the success quotient of students in the city through its proven educational methodology.
Mahesh Yadav Sir added, “We have long been planning to open a centre in Hyderabad, and finally, in 2024, we had the opportunity to do so. Due to the high aspirations of Hyderabad’s students, we have brought core faculties from ALLEN Kota to teach here.”
Saurabh Tiwari Sir, Head of ALLEN Hyderabad Centre, extended his gratitude to the attendees and shared insights about the various initiatives and events hosted at the Hyderabad centre.

Interactive Q&A Session with Students and Parents
During the program, students and parents had the opportunity to interact directly with the toppers. They asked questions on topics such as overcoming procrastination, preparation techniques, time management, self-discipline, success strategies, and stress management.
Allen Career Institute, with its 36-year legacy, is renowned for its consistent success in national examinations. Over the past 15 years, the institute has produced 25 All India Rank-1 holders in IIT-JEE and NEET/AIPMT. In 2024, 1 in 5 students entering IITs hailed from ALLEN classrooms, with Ved Lahoti securing All India Rank-1 in JEE Advanced.
In NEET 2024, five ALLEN students -Mazin Mansoor, Prachita, Divyansh Jitendra, Neha Mane, and Tejas Singh-secured All India Rank-1. This year, 45 students secured positions in the top 100 in JEE Advanced, and 39 students ranked in the top 100 in NEET, the highest from any institution in India.