365Telugu.com online news,August 20,2023:Central Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah visited the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Group Center in Sutyana, Greater Noida on Friday, where he planted the four croreth sapling under the ‘All India Tree Plantation Campaign’. During this visit, he also inaugurated 15 newly constructed buildings in eight different premises of CRPF.

Addressing the program, Shah said, “Trees benefit us for generations. Trees keep the earth green and protect the environment. Today, having achieved the goal of planting the four crore trees, we are moving towards planting five crore trees. It was possible with the support of CRPF personnel. Plants that give more oxygen have been planted under this campaign.”
During the tree planting, Shah planted a peepal tree, believing it produces the most oxygen. For the protection of the environment, the Ministry of Home Affairs initiated the ‘All India Tree Plantation Campaign’ under the skilled guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Central Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah in July 2020.
Under Shah’s supervision, more than 3.5 crore trees were planted during the short period from 2020 to 2022. With 4 crore tree plantations today, the goal for this year is to plant 1 crore trees. Shah emphasized that CRPF personnel have contributed significantly to tree plantation for environmental protection alongside their national security duties.
Not only is environmental protection a national concern, but also is a concern globally. Over the past nine years, substantial efforts were made to fight global warming and climate change. Due to Prime Minister Modi’s initiatives in this regard, the United Nations honoured him with the title of ‘Champion of Earth.’