365telugu.com Online News,Amaravati,July 12,2022: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy alerted District Collectors to be vigilant as IMD predicts heavy rain in the next two days during the video conference meeting on Tuesday. As a precautionary measure, the Chief Minister released Rs. 2 crore each to four districts- Eluru, Alluri Seetharama Raju, East Godavari, and Dr. Ambedkar Konaseema-which are prone to floods and heavy rainfall. He also directed other collectors to feel free and send any requests to Chief Secretary and CMO, who are available round the clock.

Regarding the flood relief camps, the Chief Minister directed the Collectors that they should have all quality essential commodities. “Foods, blankets, and toilets should be of good quality. People leaving the camps should get Rs. 2,000 per family or Rs. 1,000 per person, whichever is reasonable,” said the Chief Minister. He noted that in the past 100 years, we have never seen the discharge of water at this level (13 lakh cusecs) in early July in the river Godavari, which is very alarming. Since Maharashtra expected to receive more rainfall, it would impact the Godavari.
The Chief Minister directed the Collectors to be mindful of these numbers and follow the standard operating procedures. “Not one loss of livelihood should be registered anywhere in the state and be vigilant. Two NDRF teams have been deployed in Kunavaram and Chintoor while four SDRF teams in other districts,” CM Jagan Mohan Reddy said. He directed the Collectors to set up control rooms in the district and ensure that it was operational and monitored round the clock. Further, the line department should be prepared with alternatives, and SOP followed, the CM said.

Noting that people shifted to the relief camps should get the best quality services, Chief Minister said, “Collectors should show empathy towards people and be humanitarian. Put yourself in their shoes, and think of their needs and provide them.”He instructed the officials to stock the essential medicines and ensure PHCs, CHSs, and area hospitals available including the nursing staff for emergencies. Further, pregnant women in vulnerable areas should be immediately shifted to hospitals. “Ensure Comprehensive Protected Water Supply (CPWS) is functioning at all costs. And water tankers should also be available,” said CM Jagan Mohan Reddy.

“Be aware of weak structures in your districts since if there is a loss of life, it would be a man-made calamity. Boats and life jackets should be positioned in vulnerable areas,” Chief Minister informed the Collectors. The Chief Minister also asked the collectors to send daily reports of losses and damages in the districts.