365telugu.com online news,TIRUMALA, 12 OCTOBER 2021: The Honourable CM of AP YS Jaganmohan Reddy launched the Kannada and Hindi versions of Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel at Tirumala on Tuesday in the presence of HH Sri Sri Sri Subudendra Thirtha Swamy of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendra Swamy mutt.
With an aim to take forward the divine glory of Sri Venkateswara Swamy across the globe TTD has commenced Venkateswara Bhakti Channel under the directive of the then CM of united Andhra Pradesh Late YS Rajasekhara Reddy.
Under the Chairmanship of the then TTD trust board chief and present Tirupati Legislator B Karunakar Reddy the SV Bhakti Channel was inaugurated by the then Honourable President of India Smt Pratibha Patil on July 7 in 2008.
All the annual religious events and festivals such as Nityotsavams, Varotsavams, Pakshotsavams, Masotsavams, Samvatsarotsavams including Srivari brahmotsavams, religious discourses, Parayanams, documentaries on important pilgrim centres etc. are being telecasted on SVBC for the sake of global devotees of Sri Venkateswara Swamy. Apart from the festivals, many spiritual and devotional music, dance, bhajans etc. are also been promoted via SVBC.
Especially the Parayanam programmes like Sundarakanda, Virata Parvam, Bhagavat Gita etc. telecasted during the pandemic period won the hearts of millions and millions of devotees across the world increasing the viewership by many folds.
As the number of pilgrims visiting Tirumala temple from Tamil Nadu or next to Telugu speaking States, upon the request of Tamil devotees TTD has launched SVBC Tamil on the occasion of Tamil Ugadi on April 14 in 2017. After its launch, the Tamil channel has also received an overwhelming response from Tamil devotees across the world.
Today, TTD has launched the Kannada and Hindi versions of SVBC over the hands of Honourable CM of AP for the sake of Kannada and Hindi speaking people who are spread across the globe and beget the blessings of Sri Venkateswara Swamy.