365telugu.com,online news,Hyderabad, 31th July 2020: Arzooo.com, India’s fastest growing retail-tech start-up launches The Electronics, a trade magazine that will focus on News,Opinions,Analysis,and busines s intelligence impacting technology and the electronic sector. The digital magazine is committed to all in the electronics technology space including the retailers, manufacturers, influencers, and consumers. Besides the Magazine,The-electronics.com is an interactive content platform for real-time, news, updates, products innovations impacting the Technology and Electronics business Speaking about the launch of the digital magazine, Mr Khushnud Khan, Founding Editor of The Electronics and CEO of Arzooo.com said, “A platform like The Electronics fills a gap in the vast repertoire of technology and electronics space. The Electronics is a platform for the most powerful enablers in the world, the digital enablers, the consumers, manufacturers, retailers. The Electronics is dedicated to people in the electronics and technology ecosystem.”He further adds, “In this age of information overload what is crucial is the meaning and the context. The Electronics is a medium where readers can engage with the content which will be the soul of electronic and technology landscape.” The monthly magazine is available both as E-magazine and a physical copy that will deliver a compelling read, with a wide spectrum of topics on technology and electronics. It will be free for users till 31-Aug ‘20 and available on the-electronics.com where readers can subscribe to the magazine at a nominal fee of INR 3600 annually. Due to unprecedented times of Covid-19, one of the most affected sectors with forced lockdown is retail, hence the very first edition of The Electronics will be focusing on the retail industry. It will also cover other interesting aspects from the latest technology, whether the world is ready for the future of internet along with a market analysis on the future of retail whether virtual inventory is getting real and other exciting and hard-hitting discussions and topics.