365Telugu.com online news,February 27th,2024:In line with the illustrious occasion of Women’s Day, Autocar India and Mahindra & Mahindra have partnered once again for #WomenWithDrive-a stellar community-building initiative focusing on empowering women auto enthusiasts through a curated driving experience.
This is the fourth edition of the event.

It will kickstart with a flagging off from The Grand Hyatt in Mumbai. A convoy of Mahindra cars driven by women from diverse professions will head to Adventure Square in Aamby Valley City on March 9, 2024. The event promises an exciting line-up of tailored events aimed to help women experience the joy of driving.
#WomenWithDrive serves as a continuation of Autocar India and Mahindra & Mahindra’s collaborative efforts to fight gender stereotypes in the automotive industry.
The initiative prides itself on providing a platform for women from various walks of life to come together with like-minded individuals and hone their skills, building a community along the way.

The event also focuses on providing a space for women in traditionally male-dominated driving scenarios, thereby helping change the pre-existing perceptions around endeavours such as off-roading, and boosting the participants’ confidence behind the wheel.
The event-which has seen a diverse line-up of participants including doctors, lawyers, and entrepreneurs in the past — has enjoyed immense success with each edition building upon the strengths of the previous one.

With previous editions offering loads of excitement for the participants, and helping them showcase their skills through experiences like convoy driving, auto-crossing, off-roading, and more, the upcoming edition of #WomenWithDrive promises to deliver a day full of thrilling experiences behind the wheel, and then some.