Best_Yoga_asanas online news, Hyderabad, January 3rd, 2023: The habit of practicing yoga not only helps protect against the dangers of various diseases, but also helps to refresh the body and get enough energy to work.

Researchers have found that people who practice yoga daily have better mental and physical health.

Even if you can’t go to exercise due to your daily routine, making yoga asanas a part of your daily routine can reap great benefits.

A few asanas that are less than 15 minutes long are especially helpful in improving blood circulation, stretching your entire body, and elevating your mood.

People of all age groups should practice yogasanas regularly, yogasanas are beneficial in keeping active and warding off problems like weakness-fatigue.

Let’s find out which asanas are beneficial if performed in a short time.

Benefits of Kapalbhati-Pranayama: Pranayama asanas must be practiced. These are beneficial exercises for keeping the nerves healthy and improving brain function.

Practicing Kapalbhati Pranayama will stimulate the nerves. Mind control, hair growth reduces the risk of many physical problems. It is an exercise that keeps you energetic.


Shavasana Yoga: Adhomukha Shavasana yoga is beneficial in reducing negative emotions by increasing mental and physical energy, alertness and enthusiasm. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana This is also known as the bridge pose.

While doing Setubandhasana, the muscles of the neck, hips, back and the back of the thighs are stretched. Therefore, to strengthen these muscles, reduce stress and relieve fatigue.

Note: This article is based on the instructions of yoga gurus. So you must have expert supervision while doing these.