365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad 17th, August 2024: In an effort to simplify electricity bill payments across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana,NPCI Bharat BillPay Limited (NBBL), has onboarded Andhra Pradesh Central Power Distribution Corporation Limited (APCPDCL), Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (TGSPDCL) and Northern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (TGNPDCL) in the Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) Platform.

Through this development, consumers in the two states will now be able to securely pay their electricity bills via any BBPS-enabled platforms including hundreds of Banks and Fintech apps and websites. It will further aid electricity distribution companies in streamlining collections.
Commenting on the development, Ms. Noopur Chaturvedi, CEO of NBBL, said, “The integration of electricity distribution companies from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana into the Bharat BillPay is an important step towards boosting financial inclusion.
This initiative aims to provide millions of customers the choice of platforms and multiple payment options to pay their bills anytime. It underscores our commitment to driving digital transformation across the country, ensuring that essential service payments are convenient, accessible and instant.”

BBPS presently has more than 22000 live billers across 25+ categories, including electricity, DTH & broadband, credit card, loan repayments, insurance, among others. With a robust grievance support platform, BBPS ensures swift resolutions, where required, for customers and Billers.
As the nation celebrates its 78th Independence Day, these collaborations represent a new India where digital solutions make the delivery of public services efficient and accessible, while promoting financial inclusion.