365telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,february 22nd,2022:In connection with the Pre-Release Event of Telugu Movie #BheemlaNayak at 1st TSSP Bn. Grounds, Yousufguda on 23.02.2022 at 17.00 hours, there will be heavy movement of vehicles near Yousufguda battalion. The traffic congestion is expected from 2pm hrs to11pm hrs. On need basis, the traffic will be diverted at the following places:
1)Traffic coming from Maithrivanam will not be allowed towards Yousufguda checkpost and will be diverted at Savera Function Hall towards Krishnakanth Park – Kalyan Nagar – Satya Sai Nigamagamam – Kamalapuri Colony – Krishna Nagar – Jubilee Hills
2) Traffic coming from Jubilee Hills will not be allowed towards Yousufguda checkpost and will be diverted towards Sri Nagar Colony – Satya Sai Nigamagamam etc.
The Invitees are requested to park their vehicles at the following Parking places only:
- Savera Function Hall
- Mahmood Function Palace
- Yousufguda Metro Station Parking
- Open ground opposite Savera Function Hall
- Kotla Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy Stadium
- Government School, Yousufguda All those persons attending the Pre-Release event must carry the new passes issued by the organizers dated: 23-02-2022 and such passes should have the hologram and serial number. The Old passes issued by organizers dated: 21-02-2022 will not be allowed. Anyone coming with old passes dated: 21-02-2022 will not be permitted into the function. All the citizens are requested to take note of the above and take alternate routes to their destinations and avoid the Yousufguda battalion road during the
- specified timings and co-operate with traffic police.
Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad City.