365telugu.com online news,India,August 5th,2021: Catch the Premiere episode with Karan Johar starting August 8, at 8:00 pm Starting August 9 watch Bigg Boss OTT from Monday Saturday at 7:00 pm Audience will have the access to show LIVE 24×7 Karan Johar will kick off Bigg Boss OTT Starting Aug 8 for the first time ever, on Voot. The USP is that for the first time the audience will have 24×7 LIVE access to enjoy direct and deeper engagement, connection, and indulgence in the comings and goings of the house through just a click. Moreover, this exclusivity continues for the next six weeks, before the show goes on air, on Television.So, what’s new this time around, you’d ask. Well, the answer to that is, ‘Lots’. For starters, this time around, the show is going to be bolder and crazier than all the previous seasons so far. And if that’s not enough, the kind of tasks the contestants will be given will be talked about in the days to come, more so after the show premieres on Voot on 8th August 2021.

What also makes this show even more interesting for the viewers is that the common man will have uncommon powers and will decide the punishments for the Bigg Boss OTT House inmates. Insiders reveal that while there will be lots of drama, entertainment, and emotions; the bar will be raised by a few notches with show’s Over The Top ideas. Crazy but exciting, isn’t it?Speaking about the upcoming show, Karan Johar says, “Being a fan of the show, I’m excited about the new elements we’ve introduced to Bigg Boss OTT. I’m eagerly waiting to see the viewers’ participation in the show that takes over-the-top to an altogether new higher level. Not to forget, I’m also eagerly looking forward to seeing what kinds of punishment the audiences will give to the contestants.” Inviting audiences for the exciting times ahead, he signs off saying, “Mere saath Bigg Boss OTT ke maze loot… First time 24×7 only on Voot.”Surely, this has got your curiosity all piqued up to watch Bigg Boss OTT. So, gear up for 8th August 2021, and as Karan Johar says, “Mere saath Bigg Boss OTT ke Maze Loot… First time 24×7 only on Voot.”