365telugu.com,online news,India,11August, 2021: With just about two days to go before India’s biggest reality show, Bigg Boss OTT starts streaming on Sunday, 8th August 2021, at 8 pm on Voot. Given that the reality show has several firsts this time, the Bigg Boss OTT House was no different and has been designed with altogether a new look. Ace Art and Bollywood director Omung Kumar and production designer Vanita Omung Kumar, have surely kept the ‘digital first’ aspect in mind before designing the entire look. The Bigg Boss OTT house will be lively, colourful, with lots of prints and ribbons; making it look like a six week carnival for the contestants; making sure that it is hatke, comfortable, warm… yet a contemporary look.
“This season, the core proposition was to keep over-the-top element alive. We have opted for the bohemian, gypsy, carnival look for the Bigg Boss OTT House,” says Omung, adding, “Moreover, we also had to make it like a vacay home away from home, in a sense that when the contestants reach here, they should feel like wanting to stay here for long. Even though they may miss their home, they should still feel this is good, or better.” One interesting aspect is that for the first time they have used sliding doors between the living room and the garden thus making the house seem grand and extraordinary when the doors are opened. The contestants can lounge in the open garden area, without worrying about getting
drenched in case it rains.

The novelty factor of the bedroom are the bunk beds. Talking about this first, Omung says, “The bunk beds make it very cozy and comfortable. It’s like when you’re out camping, you share beds in a tent. Also, I don’t think most of us have used bunk beds even during our childhood or school years. The carnival look is extended in the bedroom as well. Keeping in mind the tarot card tents, we have given the bedroom that look.” The kitchen is vivid, and the bathroom has the look of the tent, with the walls painted in bamboo and floral prints. In the living room, there is also a huge eye in the centre, from where Karan Johar will be watching the inmates. The Bigg Boss OTT House has several nooks and corners, each for two- three contestants to hangout together at any given time. In keeping with the bohemian look, the curtains are made using cloth strips stitched together, so the colourful pattern is evident in all
aspects and parts of the house. Are you eagerly waiting for the drama and the melodrama in the Bigg Boss House to unfold! So! stay tuned. As your friendly host, Karan Johar invites you, “Mere saath Bigg Boss ke maze loot… 24×7 only on Voot.”