365telugu.com online news,India, may 9th,2022: Leading merchant commerce platform, Pine Labs today announced it has roped in acclaimed actor Ayushmann Khurrana and released a new ad film with the Bollywood star. In this film, the actor depicts the simplicity of availing Pay Later EMI purchase option at offline stores powered by Pine Labs Point of Sale (PoS) terminals. Pine Labs will run a multichannel marketing campaign across popular social media platforms and at over 17,000 consumer durables, mobile phone, electronic stores, and other retail segments of top brands pan India to promote this film.

Commenting on core campaign insight, Jerry Williams, Vice President, Marketing, said, “We’ve all been enjoying the convenience of paying later since our childhood and availing it now on the Pine Labs terminals is as easy and seamless. Instant, paperless and ubiquitous. These terminals can convert any mode of digital payment into EMIs of 3, 6, 9, 12 months, without the complication of subscribing to any additional cards or apps.

The ‘baad mein’ or ‘I will pay later’ nod has been used in the ad as an interesting creative device which we feel will resonate with audiences across age groups and geographies to land the message that Pine Labs makes these solutions simple and accessible to all businesses and their customers. And no better personality to endorse this exciting in-store digital Pay Later proposition than the versatile actor Ayushmann Khurrana who enjoys an incredible connect with the masses across age groups.” 

India has seen a massive uptick in digital transactions with 81.93 billion digital transactions carried out in FY 21-22 (data as on March 20, 2022), as per Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) as compared to 20.72 billion in FY17-1

From incentive schemes to awareness initiatives, several measures have been taken by the banking regulator and the incumbent government to expand the digital payments ecosystem in India. Pine Labs’ Android PoS terminals have emerged as an all-in-one PoS solution for merchants who are looking to drive sales through the integrated Pay Later offering and at the same time accept new-age digital payment solutions such as QR code payments, tap and pay contactless payments, and other payment modes such as net banking, debit/credit cards, UPI, and wallets.

“On the heels of the Pine Labs corporate brand refresh, we highlight BNPL as the first among many solutions that bring to all entrepreneurs the power of our robust fintech platform that enables them to deliver the best world-class retail experiences to their end consumers, driving affordability, delight and loyalty,” added Jerry Williams.

“It is not every day that you get to connect with something purposeful that makes a difference in people’s lives. Pine Labs’ Pay Later is a campaign I connected with instantly and one that I wholeheartedly support. I feel it is wonderful that customers can, with a single swipe, instantly convert their purchase into EMIs of their choice. The fact that Pine Labs Pay Later is available across electronic and non-electronic categories, makes it an irresistible option for shoppers. I had fun shooting for this ad film and I hope everybody enjoys it.” says Bollywood star, Ayushmann Khurrana.

The ad film is available in English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, and Telugu. It can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8uJiMT7Emg&list=PLDLqGmAR7OaHldPwdU7WhW8-3sjo3GgHu&index=5