365Telugu.com online news,National, October 29th, 2024: In a landmark collaboration, Tata CLiQ Luxury, India’s premier luxury lifestyle platform, has partnered exclusively with Bvlgari, the renowned Roman High Jeweler, to launch its first-ever digital boutique in India. This strategic partnership marks Bvlgari’s debut in India’s e-commerce arena, enabling customers nationwide to purchase Bvlgari’s iconic jewelry, watches, handbags, and exclusive India-inspired collections from the comfort of their homes.
The digital boutique, now live on Tata CLiQ Luxury, offers a curated selection of Bvlgari’s celebrated pieces. Highlights include India-inspired designs like the B.zero1 Kada Bracelet and the newly launched Mangalsutra Sautoir Necklace, alongside timeless favorites such as the Serpenti Viper bracelets, B.zero1 rings, and Serpenti watches. The collection extends to the iconic Octo Finissimo and Octo Roma timepieces, as well as an array of luxury leather goods and accessories.

In an effort to enhance the online shopping experience, Tata CLiQ Luxury and Bvlgari are offering a dedicated luxury concierge service. This service provides customers with a personalized shopping experience, supported by experts trained by Bvlgari to guide them through their selection journey.
Gopal Asthana, CEO of Tata CLiQ Luxury, expressed excitement about the collaboration, stating, “We are honored to welcome Bvlgari to Tata CLiQ Luxury. Known for their unparalleled craftsmanship and exquisite designs, Bvlgari’s entry into our platform elevates our portfolio further, especially in jewelry, watch, and accessories categories. Our goal is to bring iconic luxury brands to consumers across India, and we look forward to providing them with an unmatched online luxury shopping experience.”
Jean-Christophe Babin, CEO of Bvlgari, also shared his enthusiasm, commenting, “We are thrilled to mark a new chapter for Bvlgari in India through our partnership with Tata CLiQ Luxury. This important partnership allows us to bring our iconic designs across India, meeting customers with whom we share a deep love for beauty, excellence, and craftsmanship. Together, we aim to offer an online shopping experience that reflects the warm welcome of our boutiques.”

With this digital launch, Bvlgari and Tata CLiQ Luxury bring a taste of high-end Roman elegance and craftsmanship to discerning Indian customers.
Explore the Bvlgari collection now on Tata CLiQ Luxury: Tata CLiQ Luxury Bvlgari Boutique.