365telugu.com,online news,Hyderabad, 19th March 2020:UXReactor Inc, a California based Design Consulting firm with a presence in Hyderabad, India, unveiled the unique UXReactorOpen Training Platform for aspiring Design professionals. The goal of this platform is to provide free access to modules for the latest developments and practices in UXDesign.
As organizations globally, are realizing the importance of delightful user experience, there is a spurt in the demand for talented design professionals. According to research, there are close to 73,000 design jobs open only in the US – it was 24,000 open jobs in 2018. The number of design jobs has increased by more than 3x in just the last 24 months according to a leading portal.UX Design and Product Design as two of the 25 highest paid entry-level jobs in 2019. In India, as per a few surveys, the design students get 50% more starting salaries than Engineering students.

One of the reasons companies find it hard to find talented designers is that, in the past UX Design jobs were primarily considered to be artistic in nature. However today these jobs have become very specialized and require exposure to multiple disciplines such as System Thinking, User Research, prototyping, Product Management, Data analytics, and behavioral Economics to name a few.At present the number of UX jobs are conservatively projected to rise by 22% in the coming ten years. This makes it important for aspirants to pursue careers in UXDesign. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Prasad Kantamneni, Co-Founder UXReactor says, “UX design is vital for the success of any enterprise in today’s context. The User Experience of a product is of paramount importance.

The demand for UX designers is far bigger than the supply of experienced professionals who can deliver those insights.We have introduced the UXReactor Open Training platformTMatavailable at uxreactor.org.It is a free online training resource extended to learn UX design from anywhere anytime. The training material has been curated by industry practitioners who have experience working with some of the most innovative companies in the world. Candidates from diverse educational backgrounds with an eye for creative problem solving can benefit from the Open Training Program.”He further added, “With the emergence of AI & ML, a significant number of jobs as we know them today will be lost. Another significant percentage of jobs will become short term jobs. However, for a minority of jobs, pay will be significantly more but will require higher competences necessitating skill up-gradation.