365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,December12th,2023: In a momentous cinematic achievement, the highly anticipated biopic “Che,” chronicling the life of the iconic revolutionary Che Guevara, is set to hit theaters on December 15.
This groundbreaking Telugu film, inspired by the visionary Pawan Kalyan, is the first-ever Che Guevara biopic in India.
Director and writer BR Sabawat Naik, driven by a 20-year-old dream ignited in his school days, overcame financial constraints with unwavering determination.

Naik’s relentless pursuit of his dream led him to save every penny earned from selling snacks on a food cart. The filmmaker expressed his pride in presenting “Che” without compromising the honor of Che Guevara, with even the revolutionary’s daughter, Dr. Alaida Guevara, endorsing and releasing promotional materials for the film.
The movie, adorned with the tagline “Che – Long Live,” is set to grace over 100 theaters from December 15. The pre-release event held at Hyderabad Prasad Lab witnessed the director himself, BR Sabawat Naik, donning the iconic Che Guevara look, adding to the anticipation.
During the event, prominent figures shared their thoughts on the film. Janasena leader Rayapati Aruna conveyed the expected support from Pawan Kalyan’s fans and emphasized the importance of such movies for the youth.
Senior journalist Prabhu applauded Naik’s courage in bringing forth strong content, while Bharadwaj expressed joy at seeing Che Guevara’s inspirational story unfold in Telugu.

EC member Manik predicted “Che” to transcend regional boundaries and become a Pan India success. Actor and publicity designer Viva Reddy drew attention to the universal recognition of the name ‘Che’ and hailed Naik’s morale and determination.
Shankar, the director of the film ‘Pratyarthi,’ commended the effort to bring Che Guevara’s biography to the big screen, emphasizing the need for universal support for such ventures.
In a cinematic venture produced by Nature Arts and jointly backed by Surya, Babu, and Devendra, BR Sabawat Naik dons the title role. The cast includes Lavanya Sameera, Pula Siddeshwar, Karthik Nuney, Vinod, and Pasala Uma Maheshwar.

With music composed by Ravi Shankar and a U/A certificate secured after completing the censor, “Che” is poised for a grand release in over 100 theaters, courtesy of Veeranjaneya Pictures.
This movie promises not only entertainment but a tribute to the spirit of revolution and the enduring legacy of Che Guevara.
Actors: Lavanya Sameera, Pula Siddeshwar, Karthik Nuney, Vinod, Pasala Umamaheshwar, BR Sabawat Naik..
Producers: Surya, Babu, Devendra
Co Director: Nani Babu
Writer, Director: BR Sabavat Naik
Banner: Nature Arts
Publicity Designer: Viva Reddy Posters
DVP: Kalyan Sami, Jagadish
Editor: Siva Sharvani
Music Director: Ravi Shankar
PRO: Dayyala Ashok