365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, January 18, 2024:The Union Minister for Civil Aviation Jyotiraditya M Scindia presented Wings India Awards 2024 in a function held in a city hotel on Thursday . These were the 4th edition of “Wings India Awards” in the Civil Aviation Sector.
Bangalore and Delhi Airports were adjudged as the best airports of the year. The award was given jointly to both the airports.
Vistara-Tata SIA Airlines Ltd has bagged the Best Airline of the Year award. Air India was recognised for International Connectivity. Alliance Air got recognition for Regional Connectivity. Air Indian Express was declared a Sustainability Champion.

GMR Group was honoured as the Best Aviation Service Provider. Skyways Air Services Pvt. Ltd for cargo services, Indian Oil Skytanking Pvt. Ltd for Fuesl Services, GMR for Aero Academy. Besides these, several other organisations were recognised by the Wings India for the excellence
Wings India Awards are the benchmark for excellence for those demonstrating the best practices and innovation in the aviation sector. Over the last few years, the aviation industry has shown amazing strength and resilience in the face of unparalleled challenges.
The Wings India Awards are presented to celebrate the world-class operators and individuals, who have kept the industry going during the trying times.

The awards were given away in several categories such as Categories— Best Airport of the year, >25 MPPA Traffic, 10-25 MPPA Traffic, 5-10 MPPA Traffic, < 5 MPPA Traffic, Innovation Champion, Sustainability Champion, Best Airline of the Year, International Connectivity, Domestic Connectivity, Regional Connectivity, Innovation Champion, Sustainability Champion, NSOP: Fixed Wing, NSOP: Helicopters, Best Aviation Service Provider, Cargo Services, Ground Services, MRO Services, Fuel Services, Aviation Skills & Training, Aircraft Leasing, Innovation Champion, Sustainability Champion