365Telugu.com online news,May 17th,2023:Aditya Gupta brings with him years of vast experience in Business, Marketing, operations and Event divisions. He has worked with leading brands in India such as Yatra.com, MakeMyTrip, Air Sahara and more.
In his new role, he will be spearheading sales, marketing, customer services, and Web technology at Cordelia Cruises. Aditya is a versatile business leader with interest and experience in the Ecommerce Business, Business Development, Alliances, Operations, and Customer Services and Marketing. He is adept at P&L management, Sales and Negotiations, Revenue Management, Category Management, Agency/Supplier Management.

Aditya, an alumni of leading educational institutions in India- IIM- C, believes that India’s travel and tourism industry is growing more than ever and he is very happy to be a part of an Indian cruise brand that is the pioneer of paving the way in India for cruising.
Laying emphasis on the same, Aditya says, “I am excited and looking forward to my tenure with Cordelia Cruises. The timing is rather significant and opportune. With tourism and travel growing dynamically and Indian audiences making cruising their new go-to choice for holidays, the market is bigger and brighter than ever. Cordelia has made cruising affordable to Indians. This is
certainly a great moment to service the sub continent”.