365Telugu.Com Online News,Hyderabad, 19th May 2020: CredR, India‘s largest used two-wheeler consumer brand, has launched a two-wheeler buyback program – CredR Buyback Plus, across its showrooms in Hyderabad. Under this two-wheeler buyback program, consumers will receive an assured buyback value for their two-wheelers at the time of purchase. This value can be reclaimed by the customer by selling the purchased two-wheeler back to CredR within the stipulated 12-month window.
With showrooms located in prominent locations of the city suchas SanjeevaReddyNagar, Narayanguda and Hafeezpet, CredR sees massive demand from consumer segments such as college students, working professionals (IT, banks, BPOs), young women, middle income groups. CredR believes that people will prefer owning a second hand-two wheeler than taking a public transport to complete their daily errands after the lockdown ends. Hyderabad is a thriving IT hub and enjoys world class infrastructure. The customers here are tech-savvy and have always welcomed innovative products. With the existing restrictions on use of public transport, using a two-wheeler as a private mode of transportation is more convenient, safe, and inexpensive.

According to Sasidhar Nandigam, Chief Strategy Officer – CredR; “It is our undeterred focus to deliver value-for-money products to our customers, which has been the catalyst for all our product innovations so far and will continue to be in the times to come. The current lockdown situation has created unprecedented demand for our products and in the process inspired us to create products that can deliver more value for our customers. Our keen business intelligence and pricing algorithms make our price projections highly accurate. In a marketplace that had no preceding concept of standard pricing, we are the first ones to offer something like this”.

He further added that a widespread shift from shared mobility and public transportation to privately-owned mobility will no longer remain a luxury but will become a pressing need. The current wave of consumers is definitely cautious and value driven and want to safeguard their financial interests, while still having access to quality private-owned mobility. “CredR’s Buyback Program is the cheapest privately-owned mobility product in the market, by a huge margin”, he concluded.Additionally, buyers would also stand to benefit from CredR’s standard / popular services like Free 6 Months Warranty, Paper Transfer Assistance and 7 Days No-Questions-Asked Protect policy. Riding high on the success of its recently launched program Contactless Doorstep Delivery of Bikes, CredR believes that this new program Buyback Plus, will also gain great acceptance amongst its consumers. .