365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, February 6th, 2025:Cricket icon MS Dhoni addressed a record-breaking 3.5 lakh students at the first-ever pan-India student summit, ‘Sangam,’ organized by ALLEN Career Institute.

The event, held at Mumbai’s SVP Stadium Dome, brought together 5,000 in-person attendees and a vast digital audience across 11 cities, including Kota.

Dhoni shared his inspiring journey from his hometown of Ranchi to the global cricket stage, motivating students preparing for India’s most competitive exams. “If a boy from Ranchi can conquer the world, it shows that with the right guidance, dedication, and mindset-success is achievable no matter where you start,” Dhoni said, addressing the large crowd.

During the summit, ALLEN announced free access to revision tools via the ALLEN App for exam takers across India, including resources for Board exams, IIT JEE, NEET, and more.

Dhoni unveiled a showreel of the ALLEN App, which includes video lectures, revision notes, mock tests, flashcards, and an extensive question bank.

Students were also introduced to ALLIE, an AI-powered doubt-solving bot and personal study companion available 24/7 to assist NEET aspirants.

Nitin Kukreja, CEO of ALLEN, highlighted the institute’s ongoing commitment to democratizing education and making quality learning accessible to students across India, even in remote areas.

Kukreja also announced the opening of a new ALLEN centre in Ranchi, further expanding ALLEN’s reach.

Dhoni, in his motivational address, spoke about the importance of honesty, hard work, and careful planning for academic success. He also discussed how both success and failure are integral parts of life and encouraged students to learn from their failures and keep pushing forward.

When asked by a student about focusing on the process rather than the outcome, Dhoni shared, “Live in the present and enjoy every moment. I never thought about playing for India. I just focused on giving my best in every match as I grew up.”

He also talked about managing pressure, learning from setbacks, and the life lessons that sports can teach, stressing the value of hard work, respect for leadership, and embracing challenges.

Dhoni emphasized that staying calm during critical moments stems from focusing on the preparation behind the scenes, which ultimately shapes success.

The event culminated in a felicitation ceremony where Dhoni presented signed ALLEN jerseys to 11 IIT-JEE and NEET toppers.

In recognition of his inspiring presence, Dhoni was honored with a 6-foot cricket bat signed by hundreds of ALLEN students, presented by ALLEN’s directors: Dr. Govind Maheshwari, Rajesh Maheshwari, Dr. Naveen Maheshwari, and Dr. Brajesh Maheshwari.