365Telugu.com online news,July 15th,2024:The weather was light, clammy, and with a huge cloud cover on Day 1 of the 15th Monsoon Regatta 2024 at Hussain Sagar Hyderabad.
The waters seemed relatively cleaner than ever before and at much higher levels due to the incessant rains and the shifty winds, conditions were tricky for most sailors

Shreya Krishna of Tamilnadu dominated the under-16 Optimist Class with a win and a second. She is followed closely by a local lad from Telangana Govardhan Pallara with a win and a 3rd.
Both Shreya and Govardhan sailed neck to neck in the two light wind races. Shreya has finally broken the jinx of light winds and proved that she is a master of all weather. Deekshita the top seed dropped in overall positions with a third and one bad 11th position. Bongur Bunny erstwhile sailor of Telangana now from TSC Mysore is overall 3.
In the ILCA4 under 18 Class Somya Singh of Madhya Pradesh was in top form winning all three races for the day followed by Alia Sabreen of Orissa. However, the gap between them was significant for Somya to have little worry about the next 9 races.

Taking the wind shifts like an ace Eklavya Batham won the day in the ILCA4 Boys followed by Krishna Divakar of TSC Mysore who got one win
In the under-18 International 420 Mixed Class, Divyanshi Mishra and Aniraj of Madhya Pradesh beat both local crews skippered by Thanuja Kameshwar and Vaishnavi Veeravamsham to finish at the top of the leaderboard with little effort.
In the under-18 29er Skiffs Nikhil Mandavkar and crew Satyam Jha from INS Mandovi NBSC Goa topped the charts giving little space to competition with two wins and a second.
“We sailed 6 fleets this Monsoon Regatta, a big jump from the normal 3 fleets and the organization under International Race Officer Shrikant Chaturvedi was clockwork from the word go. “ said Suheim Sheikh President of the Telangana Sailing Association.

There were two protests and Shreya Krishna won her protest against Shubham Yadav of Madhya Pradesh thus retaining her top spot in the under 16
Points Tally at the end of Day 1
Under 16 Optimist Class
Shreya Krishna (RMYC) Tamilnadu 3
Govardhan Pallara (TSA) Telangana 4
Bongur Bunny (TSC) Karnataka 11
Under 18 29er Skiff Doubles
Nikhil Mandavkar & Satyam Jha
Mallesh Gadham & Karthik Korrolla

Ajay Yadav & Adiraj Yadav
Under 18 International 420 Mixed Doubles
Divyanshi Mishra & Aniraj NSS Madhya Pradesh 5
Vaishnavi Veeravamsham & Shravan Kathravath 8
Thanuja Kameshwar & Ganesh Peerkatla 8
Under 18 ILCA 4 Single Hander Girls
Somya Singh NSS Madhya Pradesh 3
Alia Sabreen OYA Orissa 6
Mahi Verma NSS Madhya Pradesh 11

Under 18 ILCA 4 Single Hander Boys
Eklavya Batham NSS Madhya Pradesh 9
Krishna Divakar TSC Mysore 10
Ajay Gajji NBSC Goa 14