365telugu.com online news,Delhi,february 2nd,2021: Under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) setting up of 22 new AIIMS has been sanctioned. This includes 10 AIIMS sanctioned during 2017-18 or thereafter. Six of the approved AIIMS i.e. Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Jodhpur, Patna, Raipur and Rishikesh are functional. Remaining 16 new AIIMS are in various stages of construction. State-wise location of these 16 AIIMS, date of their cabinet approval and approved cost is as below.In addition to 6 functional AIIMS, OPD services have been started in 6 AIIMS i.e. AIIMS at Rae Bareli, Mangalagiri, Gorakhpur, Bathinda, Nagpur and Bibinagar.MBBS course has started in 12 AIIMS i.e AIIMS at Mangalagiri, Nagpur, Kalyani, Gorakhpur, Bathinda, Rae Bareli, Deoghar , Bibinagar, Guwahati, Bilaspur, Jammu and Rajkot.The construction work is in progress for AIIMS, Mangalagiri in Andhra Pradesh. Initially, there was some delay due to non-availability of sand for construction work. There was also some delay in completion of activities to be undertaken by the State Government, which included arrangement of water supply, storm water disposal drain, main approach road to campus and shifting of existing NDRF campus. Covid-19 pandemic also affected the progress of work.Progress of all the ongoing projects under PMSSY is regularly reviewed with Executing Agencies and other stakeholders with a view to ensure their completion in a time-bound manner.
New AIIMS under construction under PMSSY
S .No. | State/UT | Location of AIIMS to be set up under PMSSY | Approved cost (Rs. crore) | Date of Cabinet Approval |
1 | Andhra Pradesh | Mangalagiri | 1618 | 7.10.2015 |
2 | Assam | Guwahati | 1123 | 24.05.2017 |
3 | Bihar | Darbhanga | 1264 | 15.09.2020 |
4 | Gujarat | Rajkot | 1195 | 10.01.2019 |
5 | Haryana | Rewari | 1299 | 28.02.2019 |
6 | Himachal Pradesh | Bilaspur | 1471.04 | 03.01.2018 |
7 | Jammu & Kashmir | Samba, Jammu | 1661 | 10.01.2019 |
8 | Awantipora, Kashmir | 1828 | 10.01.2019 | |
9 | Jharkhand | Deoghar | 1103 | 16.05.2018 |
10 | Maharashtra | Nagpur | 1577 | 7.10.2015 |
11 | Punjab | Bathinda | 925 | 27.07.2016 |
12 | Tamil Nadu | Madurai | 1264 | 17.12.2018 |
13 | Telangana | Bibinagar | 1028 | 17.12.2018 |
14 | Uttar Pradesh | Rae Bareli | 823 | 5.2.2009 (Revised Cost Estimate approved on 10.7.2017) |
15 | Gorakhpur | 1011 | 20.07.2016 | |
16 | West Bengal | Kalyani | 1754 | 7.10.2015 |
The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Sh. Ashwini Kumar Choubey stated this in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha here today.