365Telugu.com online news,Tirumala, 28th, JANUARY 2023: The new Mobile App, “TTDevasthanams” released by TTD with the support of Jio Platforms, is a “One stop solution” for devotees providing all services evolving the needs of the pilgrims, said TTD Trust Board Chairman Sri YV Subba Reddy.
Launching the new Mobile App at Annamaiah Bhavan in Tirumala on Friday, the Chairman said, the app is designed to streamline communication, event updates, bookings, digital content, e-Hundi payments and ultimately elevate the overall devotional experience for all the pilgrims.
“It’s a universal app that acts as a “Hand Guide” to pilgrims. EVen they can even watch all Four SVBC live programs in this app. Undoubtedly it’s a first of its kind Religious App”, he asserted.

TTD EO Sri AV Dharma Reddy described the app as a “Digital Gateway for Pilgrims”. “We have been working with the JIO team for the past two years to bring out this fully personalized pilgrim-friendly app that
presents a wide array of features which includes real-time updates on events and activities happening in Tirumala providing a seamless experience to the pilgrim using the app.
Earlier, the Jio team representative explained the features of the app with Powerpoint Presentation. The mobile app includes push notifications regarding important announcements, access to live streaming,
easy access to on-line resources such as videos, ringtones, wallpapers and important do’s & don’ts. The app is fully integrated with TTD donation and hundi services, providing a convenient payment experience.
TTD JEO Veerabrahmam, CVSO Narasimha Kishore, Jio President Anish Shah, President, Chief Operating Officer, Jio Platforms Ltd., Amar, IT Advisor to TTD, Sandeep, GM IT TTD and others members from TTD IT wing and Jio team were also present.