365Telugu.com Online News,July 5th,2023: Monsoon season is considered as a challenge for our health in many ways. Monsoons also bring with it many diseases, the biggest danger for people already suffering from many diseases.

In such a situation people suffering from diabetes should take special care about their health during this season. The rainy season brings with it epidemics. Diabetic patients are at higher risk of infections.

Doctors say that the threat to diabetics will increase as the climate changes. Fluctuations in temperature, pollution and the risk of diseases transmitted by contaminated water are high. That is why it is very important to keep blood sugar under control and protect yourself from monsoon diseases.

Protect yourself from infectious diseases.

The risk of infection due to bacteria and viruses during monsoons is higher than other seasons. If your blood sugar is high in such a situation, you may also be at high risk of infectious diseases.

Due to the humidity in the environment, there is a risk of skin problems like fungal infections, ringworm, skin rashes and burns.

Since diabetic patients already have immune problems, it may take longer for you to recover from these infectious diseases. That is why it is very important to maintain health during monsoons.

Foot infection..

Diabetics are more prone to foot infections and ulcers. If it is not treated or if the infection persists for a long time, it can lead to a condition called diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic patients also have the problem of diabetic foot. This can lead to serious complications such as dead skin on the feet and infection and ulcers.

The risk of dengue is high..

Because a person with diabetes has a weakened immune system, fragile blood vessels, and a higher risk of bleeding, dengue symptoms are severe in such patients. Diabetic patients have been shown to be at increased risk of internal bleeding when dengue develops. Apart from this, recovery time is also longer in such patients. That is why diabetics should also be vigilant about the prevention of diseases caused by mosquitoes.

Be careful about these..

During monsoons, you should take special precautions regarding your health. Apart from this, it is important to take measures to boost immunity to reduce the risk of infectious diseases.
Follow a healthy diet, include fruits and vegetables in the diet, spices that boost immunity.
Wear good quality shoes to reduce the risk of foot infections.

Avoid eating outside food, as there is a risk of stomach infection or diseases like typhoid. Protect yourself from mosquitoes by wearing full sleeves or clothing that covers the body well. Exercise regularly. Keep the body hydrated.