365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, August 13th, 2023: Doctors at SLG Hospitals, one of the leading healthcare facilities in the city, today announced that they have successfully saved the life of 10-year-old boy who accidentally slipped and fell from the sixth floor of their apartment building.
The boy’s condition when he was brought to the hospital, and the planned manner in which the treatment and surgical intervention was done speaks volumes about the expertise of doctors at the SLG Hospitals.

On June 1st, the boy named Lohith was rushed to the SLG Hospitals at around 3 p.m. after his accidental fall. When brought to the hospital, the child was unconscious, bleeding from the head & face, BP was below recordable levels, right thigh & left hand had multiple fractures, jaw bone fractured, brain had clots on right & left side, and hemoglobin was just 6gms, which is considered quite dangerous.
Commenting on the patient’s condition and the treatment protocols he followed, Dr. Ranganadham, Senior Neurosurgeon and HOD – Neuro Surgery, SLG Hospitals said, “Considering the fact the brain was not responding in the initial phase, we started with blood transfusion which continued for about five days. With condition not improving much, on the evening of day-five, we performed an emergency surgery to remove broken bone pieces from the right brain.
The dura mater, the outer, thick, strong membrane layer located directly under the skull and vertebral column, was opened surgically, to release the brain pressure and to drain the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), a clear, colorless, watery fluid; along with this external ventricular drainage (EVD) was also performed. This process eased pressure in the brain, and these steps helped the child’s condition improve slowly.”
“Five days after the surgery, the boy opened his eyes. Post the surgery to the brain, orthopedic surgeries were performed on his thigh and hand to treat the fractures. A tracheostomy was performed to deliver oxygen to the lungs, as the patient was unable to breathe normally since the accident. Faciomaxillary surgery was performed to cure the broken jaw and other aspects in the face. And after about three weeks the boy was finally able to move,” added Dr. Ranganadham.
Dr Ravi Kiran G, Consultant Neuro Surgeon, Dr Kodali Sandhya Consultant Neuro Surgeon, Dr Narasimha Reddy, Consultant Orthopedic surgeon, Dr Amar Raghu, Consultant Plastic and reconstructive surgery, anesthesia team Dr Laxma Reddy, Dr Rajkumar and team, and Emergency Medicine Dr Appi Reddy and team were involved in saving the boy.
Mr. G. Rajesh, Father of the boy said, “We thank SLG Hospitals and particularly Dr Ranganadham for everything they helped us in this last one month. We still remember the way my son Lohith was rushed to ER after unfortunate accident. Our first counselling with Dr Ranganadham and the way he explained us about child’s injuries and his condition back then gave us the confidence.The plan of action SLG doctors had towards our child, helped speedy recovery of our child.”

The boy was discharge from the hospital on July 1st, and was kept under constant watch remotely for the next five weeks, to ensure his recovery is complete. Now the boy is able to move with support and his condition will improve further from here.
This complex procedure performed demonstrates the multi-super specialty expertise available at the SLG Hospitals. Mr. D V S Soma Raju, Executive Director, SLG Hospitals, congratulated Dr. Ranganadham and all the other doctors, support staff, who achieved this great success.