365telugu.com,online news,Hyderabad,fibruary 23,2020: Ram Pothineni fondly called as “Ustaad” by his fans sure has some crazy fan following in our Telugu states. But the love seems to be not just from the Telugu audience but also from across the country! A testimony to that is surely the massive number of views his films dubbed in Hindi have amassed over a short span of time.

The latest is the actor’s blockbuster film iSmart Shankar directed by Dashing Director Puri Jagan. Registering massive response at the theatres earlier, it has gained the love of North audiences now on the Digital Stream. With over 20Million+ views and 500k likes in 24 hrs, it’s now the most watched & most liked South Indian dubbed film on YouTube.

In fact, Ram Pothineni is the first hero in South India to record over 100 million views for the dubbed version of three of his films. Nenu Sailaja (The Super Khiladi 3 in Hindi) with over 161 million views, Vunnadi Okate Zindagi (No. 1 Dilwala in Hindi) with over 147 million views and Hello Guru Premakosame (Dumdaar Khiladi in Hindi) with over 163 million views have surely made a case for the fame he seems to enjoy with the non-Telugu speaking audience. Well when it comes to craze in Hindi Dubbed films and YouTube records, Ram Pothineni sure stands as one of the top heros in South India.