365Telugu.com online news,May Sharat Babu is a popular Telugu actor who has acted in over 200 films in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi and Malayalam languages. He was born on January 20, 1951, in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Sharat Babu made his acting debut in 1974 with the Telugu film “Veedu Manaivi Makkal” and went on to act in several successful films in the 1970s and 1980s, including “Karunamayudu”, “Sankarabharanam”, “Shankarabharanam”, “Idi Katha Kaadu”, “Manavoori Pandavulu”, “Ram Robert Rahim” and “Muthyala Muggu”.

He also acted in a number of Hindi films, including “Trishul”, “Kranti”, “Khoon Pasina” and “Agar Tum Na Hote”. Sharat Babu has won several awards for his performances, including the Nandi Award for Best Actor and the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor.
Apart from acting, Sharat Babu is also involved in social work and has founded a non-profit organization called the Sharat Babu Foundation, which works towards the betterment of underprivileged children.