Fight against COVID Pandemic – Successful in providing uninterrupted services to Cancer PatientsFight against COVID Pandemic – Successful in providing uninterrupted services to Cancer Patients,online news, December 3,Hyderabad:Got selected for various awards in recognition to the efforts
Basavatarakam Indo American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute and
also for its CEO Dr RV Prabhakar Rao in providing leadership

COVID Pandemic – Challenges
When India started it’s fighting against COVID by imposing strict lock down, patients undergoing long term treatment
for aliments such as CANCER also faced several hardships. As the treatment pertaining to Cancer goes on for days
and weeks especially those undergoing radiation therapy or Chemotherapy. Further the treatment has to be provided uninterruptedly without any breaks. Risks of being with less immunity, the cancer patients are more prone to COVID is another challenge faced by them. Above all their problems compounded with strict lockdown that created lot of hardships in reaching hospital from their homes. By Facing all these risks and hardships when these patients reach hospital then providing treatment required for
them is the major challenge faced by BIACH&RI in its life time. One side it has to ensure that doctors and staff
working with hospitals will not get COVID and another side it has to ensure that the cancer patients who are already
with less immunity will also not acquire COVID virus. Further it has to identify and separate those patients, who
already got COVID.

Special Action Plan… 

BIACH&RI has decided to take on these challenges by creating special action plan under the leadership of
Dr RV Prabhakar Rao, CEO, BIACH&RI. Accordingly Dr Rao has started putting the devised action plan
quickly in its place along with its doctors, staff members. They started implementing following emergency

  1. Thermal Screening was introduced at each every entrance of a building in the premises of the
    hospital and deputed Nursing Staff has started identifying those with symptoms.
  2. Arrangements for hand washing with Soap and sanitizers were made available at every entrance
    and exit. Further the special demonstrations were undertaken by Nursing Staff to create awareness
    about hand wash and hygiene practices.
  3. Those with suspected symptoms are taken directly to a separate isolation wards created in the
    hospital and the COVID tests were performed on them. With this arrangement, hospital has
    successfully separated those with COVID symptoms thus preventing the spread of the disease to
    others. An emergency ICU with all required oxygen supplies at bed side was ensured so that they
    can receive proper treatment.
  4. A special permission was taken from State Government to provide treatment to Cancer Patients,
    who acquired COVID.
    With all the above measures, Hospital could successfully identify the suspected COVID patients who are
    coming for treatment and also enable them to undergo further treatment after being shifted to special
    isolation wards. These measures ensured that Cancer Patients could get uninterrupted treatment even
    after they acquire COVID.
    Measures to ensure that treating doctors and staff members doesn’t acquire COVID
    After successfully ensuring that treatment is provided to cancer patients with above measures, another
    challenge faced by hospital is to ensure that those involved in providing treatment and other services will
Fight against COVID Pandemic – Successful in providing uninterrupted services to Cancer Patients
Fight against COVID Pandemic – Successful in providing uninterrupted services to Cancer Patients

not acquire COVID. Despite it is a difficult task to achieve, Hospital started taking several strict measures as
stated below.

  1. Treatment Doctors, Staff was provided with PPE Kits, Face Masks, Face Shield Covers, and Special
    Gowns that covers entire body, Head Gears, Special goggles to ensure that they are protected.
  2. Entire hospital is sanitized twice a day and staff members were given special training to protect
    themselves from contracting COVID.
  3. Despite all these measures, a staff member was detected COVID positive on 12 th June 2020. Well
    prepared for such scenario, Management under the leadership of Sri Nandamuri Balakrishna has
    already decided to provide free treatment to staff members along with their family members, who
    acquire COVID. Accordingly the team lead by Dr RV Prabhakar Rao, CEO, BIACH&RI has already
    created special COVID ward for staff members and also a separate ICU thus enabling the hospital to
    provide treatment immediately after testing them positive to COVID.
    These measures undertaken have further emboldened the confidence among doctors, staff members
    involved in treatment. Further the doctor’s team lead by Hospital CEO Dr RV Prabhakar Rao was
    monitoring the situation regularly by following necessary guidelines and instructions issued by state and
    central governments. Accordingly they prepared and implemented special action plan thus ensuring that
    Hospital could run continuously without taking even a day break during entire lock down.
    For this success in providing uninterrupted services to Cancer Patients, the credit goes to Sri Nandamuri
    Balakrishna and management team for providing the leadership and guidance along with the special action
    team lead by Dr RV Prabhakar Rao. Both of them ensured that the BIACH&RI is the only health care facility
    in Hyderabad that has provided uninterrupted treatment services to its patients by ensuring that doctors
    and staff are available 100% as in normal days. BIACH&RI is proud to state that it has not taken a small
    break at any given day even during strictest lock down imposed ensuring that their staff members reached
    the hospital without any problem.
    Special Recognition and Awards
    For this exclusive feat of providing successful treatment to cancer patients without any failure, the efforts
    of BIACH&RI was recognized by several governmental and nongovernmental organizations by empanelling
    the organization for several awards.
    Accordingly Dr RV Prabhakar Rao, CEO, BIACH&RI who lead the team from front has been selected for
    Telangana Healthcare Leadership Award given by World Health and Wellness Congress.
    Further Topgallant Media and Research Limited, Delhi has selected Dr RV Prabhakar Rao for his leadership
    efforts and also BIACH&RI separately for Special COVID Warrior Award given by them. BIACH&RI is proud
    to receive the award from Sri Faggan Singh Kulaste, Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare in a
    virtual award presentation ceremony.
    Apart from above recognitions and awards, the hospital was also ranked 6 th among Cancer Care Facilities
    across the nation by prestigious The Week Magazine. The Week Magazine awards these ranks after
    thoroughly screening the health care facilities across the country.
    With all these recognitions, BIACH&RI has once again proved that it will continue to provide world class
    cancer care at affordable rates under challenging circumstances also.