365telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,July 16th,2021: Shoppers Stop, India’s leading fashion and beauty destination has announced their end of season sale‘My Sale, My Way’, starting from 22nd July with an exclusive First Citizen Preview from 19th July to 21st July.Customers are at the heart of this sale giving them the freedom to curate the best sale possible. My Sale, My Way will be designed by taking feedback from the customers through polls on social media.
Along with an impressive up to 50% discount on more than 200 brands from across the country, you can also choose the way you shop from a range of options like the website, app, in-store, Express Store Pick Up, or even use the Personal Shopper service available on WhatsApp through White Glove which allows you to sit and relax while we choose the products for you based on your style.
Get ready for the biggest sale on your favorite categories such as beauty, apparel, footwear, home décor, accessories, and much more. Shop how you want, what you want and from where you want.