365Telugu.com Online News, Hyderabad, February 2020: The Centre for Innovation at Goa Institute of Management (GIM) recently organises a conference on ‘Emerging Markets Innovation’ (EMI) at its campus in Sanquelim where leading experts, practitioners, and academicians deliberated on some of the biggest opportunities and challenges faced by emerging economies today in the innovation landscape and ecosystem.
The inaugural edition of the magazine Innovation Insight was unveiled on the occasion
Recent studies conducted by World Economic Outlook have identified that the emerging market GDP has surpassed the GDP of more developed markets. It is estimated that in the near future 70% growth in the world economy will come from emerging markets and they will drive global economic growth.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, Dr Ajit Parulekar Director, GIM said, “India is really known for its process driven innovation across sectors leading to lowering of cost of production. Innovation has been the number one driver for the healthcare industry and continues to push companies to change and innovate rapidly.”
The Chief Guest of the conference, Ms. Ankita Anand, Director of Information Technology & CEO of the Start-up Innovation Cell of Government of Goa spoke about ‘Glocalisation’ and stressed on the importance of going local, with growth and development being integral for any innovation. She reinforced that efforts of the government to bring about innovative changes to benefit the people through the MyGov and other Govt backed schemes. Guest of Honor of the conference, Dr. Ashis Dash (ITS), Joint Director General of Foreign Trade Regional Authority, Vadodara, Gujarat, DGFT, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, spoke about the policy paradigm shift in the world. He explained the important role of WTO, it’s tax-free policies for import-export and on the fact that India was shifting its focus towards the implementation of processes within emerging markets.
The conference also hosted three keynote speakers. Prof. Rishikesha Krishnan, Professor of Strategy, and former director at IIM Indore and IIM Bangalore, spoke about how innovation needs to be socially embedded while Ms. Preeti Vyas, Chairwoman Vyas Giannetti Creative, spoke about the different aspects of design thinking. Rajeev Shorey, Principal Scientist, TCS Innovation Labs highlighted the impact of technology in our day to day life and elucidated on the emergence of new paradigms.

Speaking about the inaugural edition of the magazine Innovation Insight Dr. Nitin Upadhyay, Chair and Head, Centre for Innovation explained, “This magazine brings together leading experts, practitioners, and academicians to contribute on some of the biggest applications, opportunities, and challenges faced by emerging economies today in the innovation landscape and ecosystem.”The conference also witnessed scholarly research and case presentations. Additionally, experts from the centre for innovation in collaboration with the Idea Knowledge Park (IKP) mentored some of the budding start-ups in the healthcare domain.