365Telugu.com Online News,india,2 November 2022:Gold prices fell in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kerala and Visakhapatnam today. 10 grams of 22 carat gold price in Bangalore city is Rs. 50 with a fall of Rs. 46,560. 10 grams of 24 carat gold is priced at Rs. 60 with a fall of Rs. 50,780. Gold prices in Hyderabad Rs. The price of 10 grams of 22 carats fell by Rs.50 to Rs. 46,550, while 10 grams of 24 carat gold fell by Rs.60 to Rs.50,780.

22 carat 10 gram gold price in Kerala is Rs. 46,550 while the price of 10 grams of 24 carat gold is Rs. 50,780. Gold prices in Visakhapatnam Rs. 46,550 for 10 grams of 22 carats, 24 carats for 10 grams at Rs. 50,780. On the other hand, in Hyderabad, Kerala, Bangalore and Visakhapatnam, the silver price per kg is Rs. 65,000.
Investing in Gold in Hyderabad
While investing in gold in Hyderabad, there is little hesitation to buy gold, pearls or precious jewellery. However, the people of Hyderabad can choose different designs of jewelery in many colors followed by bars and coins with a good margin. On the other hand, people with budget constraints can opt for seasonal investments by going on installment basis for 11 months.
22 carat 10 gram gold price in Kerala is Rs. 46,550 while the price of 10 grams of 24 carat gold is Rs. 50,780. Gold prices in Visakhapatnam Rs. 46,550 for 10 grams of 22 carats, 24 carats for 10 grams at Rs. 50,780.On the other hand, in Hyderabad, Kerala, Bangalore and Visakhapatnam, the silver price per kg is Rs. 65,000.