365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, 24th September 2024: Granules India Ltd, a prominent Hyderabad-based pharmaceutical company, has unveiled its new Mobile Cancer Screening Unit, “Breast Health Express,” at AIG Hospitals. This initiative, led by the Granules Trust in collaboration with the Asian Medical Foundation, UC Breast Foundation, and AIG Hospitals, aims to significantly improve cancer detection and treatment in underserved communities.

The state-of-the-art “Breast Health Express” mobile unit brings cutting-edge medical technology to those in need. Equipped with advanced mammography and ultrasound equipment, along with facilities for vital health checks like haemoglobin, blood pressure, and glucose levels, the unit represents a major step toward equitable healthcare. This initiative focuses on early breast cancer detection and includes free medicine distribution, ensuring critical health services reach those with limited access.

Mrs. Uma Chigurupati, Executive Director of Granules India Ltd and Chairperson of the Granules Trust, expressed the company’s dedication to community well-being: “The launch of Breast Health Express embodies Granules India’s commitment to making a direct impact on public health. We aim to address healthcare gaps, especially in rural areas with limited access. Our goal is to bring vital breast cancer screening services to underserved populations, making healthcare accessible to all.”

Dr. D. Nageshwar Reddy, Chairman of AIG Hospitals, highlighted the importance of this partnership: “The collaboration between Granules Trust, Asian Medical Foundation, UC Breast Foundation, and AIG Hospitals is a powerful example of how private sector partnerships can effectively tackle critical healthcare challenges. The Breast Health Express will be instrumental in providing vital screening services to remote communities, ensuring cancer detection reaches those who need it most.”

Dr. Pragnya Chigurupati, Consultant Breast Oncologist at AIG Hospitals and Founder of UC Breast Foundation, emphasized the broader impact of the initiative: “Beyond screenings, Breast Health Express will raise awareness about breast health and empower women to perform regular self-examinations. Additionally, through the UC Breast Foundation, we are committed to providing financial assistance for crucial treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy to women in need.”

Coinciding with Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, the Breast Health Express aligns with the global focus on breast cancer prevention and early detection. The unit will begin operations in and around Hyderabad, with plans to expand its services to other districts in Telangana in the near future.

Mr. PVS Raju, Vice Chairperson of AIG Hospitals

As part of our commitment at AIG Hospitals, we are proud to support the Breast Health Express initiative in collaboration with Granules Trust, Asian Medical Foundation, and UC Breast Foundation. This mobile unit will play a crucial role in delivering essential breast cancer screening services to underserved communities. While we recognize the challenges in reaching more remote regions, we are dedicated to mobilizing communities at the Taluk level to ensure that these vital services are accessible to those who need them most. Our efforts through this initiative aim to raise awareness about the importance of early detection and ultimately improve health outcomes for women.