365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, 23rd September, 2023: Guru Nanak Institutions, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad hosted “Under 25 Summit” World’s Leading Youth Festival at its sprawling campus in Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad.

Famous Actress Shruthi Haasan Spoke to the Students & Participated in a Fireside Chat at the Under 25 Summit – Other Speakers included Famous Filmmaker & Writer Ashwiny Iyer & Nawab Gang & Others.
The Under 25 Summit is the World’s Leading Youth Festival which features speakers, achievers, entrepreneurs & more, on an interacting platform with the youth of today. The Summit had been a phenomenal success all these years as it had seen many renowned personalities on it platform addressing the youngsters.

Guru Nanak Institutions, Ibrahimpatnam played the perfect host in organizing Under 25 Summit at its campus, more than 1000 Students took part in the grand event and were seen hearing it out to the speakers at the summit.
Actress Shruthi Haasan Fire Side Chat & her Interaction with Students of Guru Nanak Institution was the one of the main attraction to the summit. Actress Shruthi Haasan got nostalgic and said “she misses moments of her college moments even today, she advised students to enjoy each & every part of their college life. She had a Special Advice for Girl Students & Boy Students.
Shruthi Haasan for Girls Students she said “Each of us have a super power, I believe it and it’s true for all of you too, Shruthi Haasan for Boys she added “Whatever it maybe social media or families, people tell you what kind of man you should be, do not listen to them instead just be yourself. First be nice to yourself and then to everybody else.
Speaking on the Occasion of hosting Under 25 Summit- Sardar Gagandeep Singh Kohli, Vice Chairman-Guru Nanak Institutions said “We are glad to host the largest youth festival “Under 25 Summit” at our campus”.
Sardar G.S. Kohli thanked the Actress Shruthi Haasan for being a part of the summit and for advising students about various aspects of life. He added “Guru Nanak Institution emphasizes on every aspect of learning & believes in holistic education for students.

Dr H S Saini, MD GNI said “we are focussed on making our students fit for any role which they want to take up”. Vinay Chopra Director Training and Placements Guru Nanak Institutions shared that we always plan these events for the benefit of the students Sardar Gagandeep Singh Kohli, Vice Chairman-Guru Nanak Institutions&Dr H S Saini, MD GNI Presented a Portrait of Shruthi Haasan with her Dad Kamal Haasan to Shruthi Haasan at Under 25 Summit.