365Telugu.com online news,IndiaJuly 8, 2024:HCLTech, a leading global technology company,  announced that Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Chairperson, HCLTech has been conferred the  “Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur” (Knight of the Legion of Honour) by France.

The award recognizes her contributions to the business world, constant endeavor to promote economic  ties between France and India, as well as her unwavering commitment to social and  environmental causes.

Instituted in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur is the highest  civilian award given by the French Republic for outstanding service to France, regardless of  the nationality of the recipients. The President of the French Republic is the Grand Master of  the Order of the Legion of Honour. The award was conferred on the HCLTech Chairperson by

H.E. Mr Thierry Mathou, Ambassador of France to India, on behalf of the President of the French  Republic, during a special ceremony at the Residence of France in Delhi. 

Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Chairperson of HCLTech, said, “It is my privilege to receive this honor and it underscores the strategic relationship between India and France. HCLTech has a  longstanding presence in France, which is a strategic market for us.

We are committed to  scaling our operations in the country and supporting the digital transformation of French  businesses through our differentiated portfolio of services.” 

H.E. Mr Thierry Mathou, Ambassador of France to India, said: “I am delighted to confer the  Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur on Ms Roshni Nadar Malhotra whose exceptional leadership  qualities have helped her carve her own niche in both the corporate and the philanthropic  worlds.

Under her forward-thinking mindset focused on emerging technologies as AI and  cybersecurity, HCL has remained at the cutting-edge of the industry, and has been recognized  as an active promoter of business relations between France and India.

The French Republic acknowledges today not only Ms Nadar Malhotra’s professional achievements but also her  impact on society and her commitment to strengthening bilateral relations between our two  countries.”

HCLTech has been operating in France since 2009. It is a digital transformation partner to  G2000 French companies across diverse industries including aerospace, manufacturing,  financial services and pharmaceuticals.

Going beyond business, the company has partnered  with Apprentis d’Auteuil to enhance software coding skills in middle schools to boost the local  technology ecosystem.

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