365Telugu.com Online news,Hyderabad, February 5th, 2023: People follow many methods to lose weight. Many people stop eating. But nutritionists say that not eating will not help you lose weight.
In order to lose excess weight, it is very important to include food items in the daily diet. Cereals work well to reduce excess fat. It also helps in weight loss.
Cereals help in weight loss. Did you know that consuming cereals like sorghum, corn, sorghum can also help you lose weight…? There are many benefits of consuming two commonly used grains, corn and Pearl millet Both are effective in reducing weight.
Maize are rich in protein, fiber and minerals. Cereals are a good choice in terms of health. They are high in fiber which makes the stomach feel full. Can’t eat much because of this.

So it can keep the weight under control. Millets contain magnesium and potassium. These help in keeping the body as well as the heart healthy.
People usually consume more corn during winter. It is a good food substitute for wheat flour. Maize is rich in iron, phosphorus, zinc and many other vitamins.
Eating corns is not only good for weight loss but also good for eyesight. Corn also helps in preventing cancer and anemia. Due to the carbohydrates present in corn, energy levels are manageable.
Appetite will decrease. By consuming corn flour, the body also gets enough fiber, due to which cholesterol levels in the body are normal.
Pearl millet and maize Both are good for health and help in weight loss. However, Pearl millet and corn are both gluten-free and low in calories. So nutritionists say that patients should not eat too much.