365Telugu.com online news, June 20, 2023: Most cases of skin cancer are caused by exposure to excessive sunlight, especially solar ultraviolet rays or waves. These rays damage the skin cells and cause changes in them.

This causes cancer. Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. The risk of skin cancer depends on certain factors such as family history, lifestyle, and skin color of skin cancer. Other causes include sunburn, a large mole or acne, and aging.

Direct exposure to the sun is the biggest cause of skin cancer. People with darker skin tones have more melanin in their skin than fairer people. Not only that, the risk of cancer is less, despite being associated with the sun.

People with dark skin can also get skin cancer, but no such evidence has been found so far to prove that the condition is caused by skin burns or exposure to the sun.

Skin cancer is more likely to occur in dark-skinned people, on the palms of the hands, palms of the hands, or in areas that already have trauma or injury.

On the other hand, people with lighter or more fair skin tones are at a higher risk of skin cancer from the sun’s UV rays. Such people are more prone to skin burns if they are exposed to the rays of the sun for a long time.

People at high risk of this disease should always be protected from direct sunlight. UV waves can harm you even in winter. Therefore, the body should be protected from the UV rays emitted by the sun throughout the year.

To protect yourself from UV rays, you should wear clothing that covers most of your body. Wear goggles and a hat on your head. With the help of these measures UV rays can be prevented from reaching the skin. Light-colored clothing protects you less from the sun’s rays than dark-colored clothing.

So wear dark colors before going out in the sun. You should also use a good sunscreen to protect against UV rays. Always apply sunscreen to your skin before going out in the sun.

Apart from this, if possible, try to avoid sun rays between 10 am and 4 pm. This is because UV rays are more powerful during this time. If you must go out, be sure to follow these safety tips.